[Opendnssec-user] Timing/triggers for ODS2 Enforcer's <DelegationSignerSubmitCommand> & <DelegationSignerRetractCommand> ?

pgndev pgnet.dev at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 00:02:25 UTC 2017

On 02/01/2017 12:23 AM, Yuri Schaeffer wrote:
>> Is ODS enforcer polling for a specific trigger to fire each script?
> It decides based on its internal state. When a KSK is ready to be
> submitted to the parent the <DelegationSignerSubmitCommand> script
> will run. After that it waits for an external signal (ds-ssen). Given
> by either the operator of a script.
>> Or do we need to add polling of some sort in the scripts themselves?
> OpenDNSSEC does not poll the parent nameservers to see that DS
> availability. So if you fully want to automate a rollover you will need
> to do some polling yourself before you call ds-ssen.

That's helpful.

And what are the trigger conditions / different usage for



Is it triggered automatically based on internal state as well? Which?

Or does it fire on a manually executed cmd line trigger?

Understood that 'more automation' will come later -- clearer
documentation of the current state of triggers & timing, and general
usage in an automated process, even if/as it's DIY for now, would be
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