[Opendnssec-user] Key state not changing at "Date of next transition"

Arun N S arun at arunns.com
Wed May 4 06:59:48 UTC 2016


 Trying to configure OpenDNSSEC with SoftHSM with automatic key generation
and roll over.

 While querying the database for keys:
Zone:                           Keytype:      State:    Date of next
transition (to):  Size:   Algorithm:  CKA_ID:
Repository:                       Keytag:
example.com               ZSK           active    2016-05-04 10:40:56
(retire)   2048    8           457a1480ae07d5a966d40338777e4b93  SoftHSM
example.com               ZSK           generate  (not scheduled)
(publish)  2048    8           5ab3b8b52447860557e3b47c0c3b0ac8  SoftHSM
example.com               KSK           publish   2016-05-04 09:47:36
(ready)    2048    8           2fcc6fb8591261b35d82b81f588b630d  SoftHSM

 I can see that "Date of next transition" for KSK is at  2016-05-04
09:47:36  to READY. Is it supposed to happen automatically? The state did
not change until I stop and start ods-control.

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