[Opendnssec-user] Announcing availability public beta-release of OpenDNSSEC 2.0

Berry A.W. van Halderen berry at nlnetlabs.nl
Tue May 3 13:57:24 UTC 2016

On 05/03/2016 03:37 PM, Casper Gielen wrote:
> Op 14-04-16 om 16:01 schreef Berry A.W. van Halderen:
>> - Use ods-enforcer zone add and delete rather than modifying the
>>   zonelist.xml file yourself.  This file is not kept up-to-date
>>   automatically anymore;
> This doesn't fit well with my environment. I like configuration files as
> they can be stored in a version control system and applied by a
> configuration manager (eg Puppet).
> It's not a big deal, I could write a wrapper that takes a configuration
> file and make the appropriate calls to ods-enforcer add/remove, but the
> old system worked fine for me.

It is still possible at the moment, but it is really a or-or situation.
Or use the configuration file for the zones, or use the zone add/delete
command.  Mixing them has always resulted in "situations", but with this
version this becomes more prominent.

We understand that some people rather use a file, that is also why the
option to do this is still there.  And like you, we think that a tool
is needed that synchronizes the zone list.  However there should be a
single flow, on how changes ready the ODS back-end.  And with the
current set-up, that is not really the case.

I hope we have satisfied that you use-case will remain a use-case for
OpenDNSSEC, but with more consistent semantics.


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