[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC 2.0.0-1 released

Yuri Schaeffer yuri at nlnetlabs.nl
Fri Jul 15 20:29:18 UTC 2016

Dear community,

It came to our attention that the 2.0.0 lacked some scripts essential
for migration from 1.4.10. These where available in the original source
but due to oversight not included in the release tarball. We included
these scripts in 2.0.0-1. There where no code changes whatsoever.

* https://dist.opendnssec.org/source/opendnssec-2.0.0-1.tar.gz
* https://dist.opendnssec.org/source/opendnssec-2.0.0-1.tar.gz.sig
* Checksum SHA256:

Kind regards,
Yuri Schaeffer

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