[Opendnssec-user] opendnssec 2.0.0 released but no announcement?

Yuri Schaeffer yuri at nlnetlabs.nl
Fri Jul 8 08:21:51 UTC 2016

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your feedback.

> A new directory /var/opendnssec/enforcer is needed? It tries chdir()
> in there and failed for me. If this is just a rundir with no other
> requirements, the better default location would be /var/run/ and it
> should either use /var/run/<packagename>/ or /var/run/<service name>.
> I also see this as a string in ods-signerd. It might just be that I
> haven't found the appropriate configure option to tweak these.
> Why isnt it using the already existing /var/run/opendnssec/ ?

It's not entirely just a rundir. Therefore has no place in /var/run.
Admittedly the file locations and directory structure could use some
cleanup. There is an issue for this in our tracker and we will address
this in some future release.

> I also noticed /var/opendnssec/tmp got renamed to /var/opendnssec/signer
> in conf.xml. I am a little worried because this is specified in
> conf.xml but also seems hardcoded in ods-enforcerd if I run strings on
> ods-enforcerd. I haven't found yet where this gets configured or set
> during build, so this might be perfectly fine.

You did find the default value for that path. Both the signer and the
enforcer read the value from the conf.xml. All should be well.

> And ods-signerd seems to want to bind to for me, so on a
> combination DNS server + opendnssec server that is not using XFR (like
> my own nohats.ca setup), this will fail to start at all. I might need
> to disable that feature in our standard configuration file, and let
> users set it specifically to some IP if they want this. Possibly, a
> better default would have been something on loopback?

The signer has an optional <listener> section which your can
remove/change. This should be no different than earlier releases of the
1.4 branch.

Best regards,

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