[Opendnssec-user] RE :About Broken pipe (version 1.4.7 & 1.4.9)

Yuri Schaeffer yuri at nlnetlabs.nl
Mon Apr 18 07:58:54 UTC 2016

Hi Dean,

On 18-04-16 08:35, yaohongyuan wrote:
>         Last week we do some changes with source wire/notify.c:477 and
> have solved above problem , the change as below :

Thanks for your patch. We will take a look at it and if we agree with
you we'll merge it in. Meanwhile be advised that 0 is also a valid file

So you will probably want to do

- if (notify->handler.fd > 0) {
+ if (notify->handler.fd >= 0) {

Best regards,

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