[Opendnssec-user] reload signature cache without restart

Michael Braunoeder mib at nic.at
Fri Sep 26 11:09:16 UTC 2014


Is there a possibility in OpenDNSSEC 1.3 to reload the signature cache 
(from the backupfiles) without restarting the signerd?

We have an OpenDNSSEC setup where we sign a zonefile on 2 OpenDNSSEC 
instances alternately. We want to sync the created signatures from node 
1 (after signing) to node 2, so when the signing runs on node 2 those 
signatures can be reused (to speed up the signing process and keep the 
IXFRs small). Is there a way how we can realize that? Restarting the 
signerd is not an option for us.


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