AW: [Opendnssec-user] Install OpenDNSSEC on CentOS 7

Paul Wouters 🔓 paul at
Sat Nov 29 05:26:35 UTC 2014

On Tue, 4 Nov 2014, Karol Babioch wrote:

> what is the current status on this? There are several RPMs around (for
> Fedora [1] and from "Men and mice" [2]), but something more official
> with guaranteed updates would be great.

opendnssec will not go into EPEL7 because it is going into RHEL7.

I think it will appear in RHEL 7.1. We have packaged softhsm-2.0.0b1
and opendnssec-1.4.6 (although if needed, both can be upgraded)

Officially, these packages will initially not be officially supported
for use other than idM. But feel free to bug me.

I'm also happy to make these packages available now for testing if
someone wants to test it. But be aware that since Red Hat has never
shipped softhsm in RHEL itself (only EPEL), it will not run any
migration for you for softhsm-1 to softhsm-2. I've attempted such
migration on my own EPEL based softhsm-1/opendnssec system twice,
and ended up in trouble (might be related to the stuck zone bug
mentioned in another thread)


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