[Opendnssec-user] zone serial has gone backwards

Volker Janzen voja at voja.de
Wed Jul 16 17:10:44 UTC 2014


no I wasn't aware of this. I can't remember a problem serving this SOA style.

Can I simply lower the SOA in the unsigned zone, or will this cause problems with OpenDNSSEC?


> Am 16.07.2014 um 18:56 schrieb Rick van Rein <rick at openfortress.nl>:
> Hi,
>> OpenDNSSEC unsigned: 201406716002
>> OpenDNSSEC signed: 1405493501
> You are aware that the unsigned value is over 2^32, right?
> Also, there is no guarantee that the signer always outputs a higher value than what it receives as its input.  The SOA serial synchronisation is between a pair of client and server, it is not a global value.
> -Rick

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