[Opendnssec-user] RE: Move from subversion to git

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Tue Jan 7 15:09:45 UTC 2014

Hi All, 

The OpenDNSSEC project is in the process of moving code development from subversion to git.  This is to facilitate better source code management, improve the way we can accept contributed code and to implement robust code review processes.  (Please note that we will not be using the GitHub issue tracker, we will continue to use JIRA: http://bugs.opendnssec.org/)

This email is to announce that both SoftHSMv1 and SoftHSMv2 have been migrated from subversion to git and are now hosted on GitHub:


Several other minor components have also been migrated - the full list is available here:


The workflow process, branching model, etc. is being documented here: 


Note that the location of the tarballs will remain the same:


The OpenDNSSEC code will move to git sometime this year; we are in the process of agreeing the migration plan and exact timing. We will announce more details of this nearer the time. 

Please feel free to ask any questions related to this move on the user list. 


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