[Opendnssec-user] DNS input adapter issues..

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at nlnetlabs.nl
Tue Feb 25 15:16:14 UTC 2014

On 02/25/2014 02:24 PM, Catalin Leanca wrote:
> Thanks for this information.
> Do you have an ETA for this new release ?

I guess Sara has a better feeling for this, but I am expecting 1.4.4 can
be released somewhere in March.*

Best regards,

*says someone who is bad at estimates.

> On 25/02/14 12:34, Matthijs Mekking wrote:
>> Dear Catalin,
>> Thanks for your report. This sounds like a known bug:
>> https://issues.opendnssec.org/browse/SUPPORT-101
>> https://issues.opendnssec.org/browse/OPENDNSSEC-529
>> This has been resolved in our git repository, and we are working towards
>> a new release.
>> Best regards,
>>    Matthijs
>> On 02/25/2014 11:23 AM, Catalin Leanca wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have setup ODS with DNS input/output adapter. The size of the test
>>> zone is 70 MB (+600k records).
>>> The primary nameserver (BIND) notifies ODS when zone is updated, ODS
>>> signs new data and sends notify to the secondary nameserver (BIND).
>>> On the primary server, zone is updated using dynamic updates (nsupdate
>>> command). Everything works as expected,
>>> but when i send multiple,consecutive updates to the master zone, ODS
>>> receives these notifies but some of the new data is lost.
>>> The message log looks like this:
>>> Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from
>>> dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
>>> Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] detected ixfr
>>> serial=2013117065 for zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] xfr zone example.org on disk
>>> complete, commit to db
>>> Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] sign zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [zone] zone example.org set soa serial
>>> to 2014022502
>>> Feb 25 11:50:25 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] write zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:50:43 ods ods-signerd: [STATS] example.org RR[count=2
>>> time=0(sec)] NSEC3[count=4 time=0(sec)] RRSIG[new=6 reused=649423
>>> time=6(sec) avg=1(sig/sec)] TOTAL[time=24(sec)]
>>> Feb 25 11:51:01 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:01 ods ods-signerd: [notify] notify retry 1 for zone
>>> example.org sent to
>>> Feb 25 11:51:04 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from
>>> dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
>>> Feb 25 11:51:04 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] detected ixfr
>>> serial=2013117112 for zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:04 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] xfr zone example.org on disk
>>> complete, commit to db
>>> Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] detected ixfr
>>> serial=2013117510 for zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] xfr zone example.org on disk
>>> incomplete, rollback
>>> Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone
>>> example.org: adapter failed (XFR on disk incomplete (in progress?))
>>> Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] continue task [sign] for
>>> zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from
>>> dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
>>> Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] bogus xfrd file zone
>>> example.org, missing ;;BEGINPACKET (was ;;ENDPACKET)
>>> Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone
>>> example.org: adapter failed (General error)
>>> Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] continue task [sign] for
>>> zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from
>>> dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
>>> Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] bogus xfrd file zone
>>> example.org, missing ;;BEGINPACKET (was ;;ENDPACKET)
>>> Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone
>>> example.org: adapter failed (General error)
>>> Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] continue task [sign] for
>>> zone example.org
>>> Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
>>> Please advise me how to solve this issue.
>>> Regards,
>>> Catalin Leanca
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