[Opendnssec-user] DNS input adapter issues..

Catalin Leanca catalinl at rotld.ro
Tue Feb 25 10:23:31 UTC 2014


I have setup ODS with DNS input/output adapter. The size of the test 
zone is 70 MB (+600k records).
The primary nameserver (BIND) notifies ODS when zone is updated, ODS 
signs new data and sends notify to the secondary nameserver (BIND).
On the primary server, zone is updated using dynamic updates (nsupdate 
command). Everything works as expected,
but when i send multiple,consecutive updates to the master zone, ODS 
receives these notifies but some of the new data is lost.
The message log looks like this:

Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from 
dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] detected ixfr 
serial=2013117065 for zone example.org
Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] xfr zone example.org on disk 
complete, commit to db
Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] sign zone example.org
Feb 25 11:50:19 ods ods-signerd: [zone] zone example.org set soa serial 
to 2014022502
Feb 25 11:50:25 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] write zone example.org
Feb 25 11:50:43 ods ods-signerd: [STATS] example.org RR[count=2 
time=0(sec)] NSEC3[count=4 time=0(sec)] RRSIG[new=6 reused=649423 
time=6(sec) avg=1(sig/sec)] TOTAL[time=24(sec)]
Feb 25 11:51:01 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:01 ods ods-signerd: [notify] notify retry 1 for zone 
example.org sent to
Feb 25 11:51:04 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from 
dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
Feb 25 11:51:04 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] detected ixfr 
serial=2013117112 for zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:04 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] xfr zone example.org on disk 
complete, commit to db
Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] detected ixfr 
serial=2013117510 for zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] xfr zone example.org on disk 
incomplete, rollback
Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone 
example.org: adapter failed (XFR on disk incomplete (in progress?))
Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] continue task [sign] for 
zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:05 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from 
dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] bogus xfrd file zone 
example.org, missing ;;BEGINPACKET (was ;;ENDPACKET)
Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone 
example.org: adapter failed (General error)
Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] continue task [sign] for 
zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:09 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone example.org from 
dns input adapter /etc/opendnssec/addns.xml
Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [adapter] bogus xfrd file zone 
example.org, missing ;;BEGINPACKET (was ;;ENDPACKET)
Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read zone 
example.org: adapter failed (General error)
Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] continue task [sign] for 
zone example.org
Feb 25 11:51:13 ods ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone example.org

Please advise me how to solve this issue.

Catalin Leanca

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