[Opendnssec-user] exporting key from openhsm sqllite, no mysql

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Sun Aug 3 18:56:29 UTC 2014

thanks to rob austein

#!/bin/sh -

# Extract keys from SoftHSM.  This requires pulling the zone names,
# key IDs, and flags from the database (SQLite3 in this installation).


sqlite3 $database 'SELECT name, HSMkey_id, keytype FROM zones JOIN dnsseckeys ON zones.id = dnsseckeys.zone_id JOIN keypairs ON keypairs.id = dnsseckeys.keypair_id' |
awk '
    pin = "haha";
    FS = "[|]";
    zone = $1; keyid = $2; keytype = $3;
    if (keytype == 257)
      ksk = " --ksk";
      ksk = "";
    system("softhsm --export key." keyid ".pem --slot 0 --pin " pin " --id " keyid);
    system("softhsm-keyconv --tobind --in key." keyid ".pem --pin " pin " --name " zone " --algorithm RSASHA256" ksk);

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