[opendnssec-user]Delete All Zones Error Using Mysql

刘硕 shuoleo at 126.com
Mon Oct 15 05:01:04 UTC 2012


I'm using Mysql instead of Sqlite, I have imported 500 zones, when I tried to delete all the zones using 'ods-ksmutil zone delete --all', 
I got
ERROR: error executing SQL - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`KASP`.`dnsseckeys`, CONSTRAINT `dnsseckeys_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`zone_id`) REFERENCES `zones` (`id`))
ERROR: database operation failed - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`KASP`.`dnsseckeys`, CONSTRAINT `dnsseckeys_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`zone_id`) REFERENCES `zones` (`id`))
Error: failed to remove zone from database
I think OpenDNSSEC wants to delete data in table dnsseckeys but forgets to delete data in table zones first?

And I also got messages bellow when I tried to list the zones in db:
Found zone test1 in DB but not zonelist.
Found zone test2 in DB but not zonelist.

P.S. Is OpenDNSSEC suitable for managing thousands of small zones with <ShareKeys> enabled?

Best regards,
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