[Opendnssec-user] Re: Backup/restore information

Sylvain sylv1.jolivet at gmail.com
Tue May 29 15:55:14 UTC 2012

> >So, I think I will make a daily cron job that performs the following steps.
> >1) Shut down OpenDNSsec
> >2) create a tar file with the softHSM and OpenDNSsec configuration in etc 
> >and the OpenDNSsec state in /var/opendsnsec.
> >3) dump the database of /var/softhsm/slot0.db to another file
> >4) startup OpenDNSsec again.
> >

Hello !

I make this same procedure of Backup/restore.

But when I execute "ods-ksmutil key list --verbose", i have the zone list with 
CKA_ID but "SoftHSM NOT IN repository".

And it seems that the repository are empty : 

17:27 nameshield_dns at dns3 /var/lib/opendnssec/db% ods-hsmutil list
Listing keys in all repositories.
0 keys found.

Repository            ID                                Type
----------            --                                ----

How can you explain that ?

Thanks for your help .

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