[Opendnssec-user] Step by step Ubuntu 10.10 - signs zone but queries don't work

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Fri Mar 9 12:27:21 UTC 2012

> Mar  8 15:05:18 ubuntu ods-auditor[13338]: example.com : SOA differs : from
> 2012030506 to 2012030800
> ---- I have datecounter as my serial.... if I change this to 2012030800 or
> whatever the current date is, will this synch up?

The Auditor is comparing the unsigned and signed zone file. It just
tells you that the the SOA serial has changed. Which is ok. You will
see some couple of log lines later that the auditing finished

// Rickard

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