[Opendnssec-user] Nothing is running, bit still "pidfile /var/run/opendnssec/enforcerd.pid already exists"

Siôn Lloyd sion at nominet.org.uk
Tue Feb 28 11:38:28 UTC 2012

On 27/02/12 22:10, Dick Visser wrote:
> Have installed the ods packages from
> https://launchpad.net/~pkg-opendnssec/+archive/ppa/ on my Ubuntu 10.04
> box.
> Install went smooth, but after initial config actually running it fails:
> Feb 27 23:02:57 cajones ods-enforcerd: opendnssec starting...
> Feb 27 23:02:57 cajones ods-enforcerd: opendnssec Parent exiting...
> Feb 27 23:02:57 cajones ods-enforcerd: opendnssec forked OK...
> Feb 27 23:02:57 cajones ods-enforcerd: pidfile
> /var/run/opendnssec/enforcerd.pid already exists. If no ods-enforcerd
> process is running, a previous instance didn't shutdown cleanly,
> please remove this file and try again.
> There is nothing in /var/run/opendnssec/ to begin with.
> Also /var/lib/opendnssec/tmp is empty.
> Any dieas?

Could it be getting confused by permissions? Could you try:

touch /var/run/opendnssec/blah.tmp

as either the user that is running ods-control; or the user/group 
dropped to by the ods-enforcerd process (configured in conf.xml).

If this is the issue then we will need to fix this misleading error message.

Thank you.


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