[Opendnssec-user] auditor bug (again?)

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Tue Feb 21 20:02:50 UTC 2012

On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Alex Dalitz wrote:

> Apologies for the delayed response...

No problem, but the relevant files you ask for are no longer present on
the system :(

> From what you have written, I find it difficult to see how this can be the case.
> The auditor is only run by the signer _after_ the zone has been signed. The auditor only saves state in /var/opendnssec/tmp/ when it runs. If it doesn't run, then it can't save state.
> Is there any chance that the auditor was run manually after the package change?

No. I do start the enforcer and signer daemons separately, instead of
via ods-control, but I don't run the auditor manually.

> Are you able to send the contents and timestamps of the openswan.org files in /var/opendnssec/tmp/, please?

Not anymore, I had to re-sign those zones and did not keep copies,


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