[Opendnssec-user] ods-ksmutil key list --zone segfaults

Sander Smeenk ssmeenk at freshdot.net
Mon Feb 20 13:38:11 UTC 2012

Quoting Jerry Lundström (jerry at opendnssec.org):

> Did your run strace with -fF to follow threads?

Yes. But ods-ksmutil is not threaded.

> Can you run valgrind also?

Yes. https://8n1.org/8343/551e has the valgrind output for the failing
ods-ksmutil zone list command. Please advise if there's other valgrind
options to switch on and off. I'm no valgrind wizard. ;)

> What version of ubuntu/debian are you running?

A fresh install of Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10) running kernel 3.0.0-16 on 64
bits. The OpenDNSSEC, SoftHSM  and BOTAN packages come from the "semi
official" Ubuntu PPA by Ondřej Surý. Thanks Ondřej!

> What version of ldns, softhsm, botan and sqlite are installed?

libldns1                1.6.12-1~oneiric+2
libsofthsm              1.3.1-1~oneiric+1
libbotan-1.10-0         1.10.0-3~oneiric+1
libsqlite3-0            3.7.7-2ubuntu2
opendnssec              1.3.5-2~oneiric+1

> The kasp db seems to be mounted?
> Are you running the kasp and softhsm db on nfs or something like that?

Correct. The configuration, kaspdb and softhsmdb are on a NFS-mount.

Please not: OpenDNSSEC is functioning the correct way. Even though
'ods-ksmutil key ds-seen --zone t2.invalid --cka_id foo' segfaults, the
key is marked as 'ds-seen' and OpenDNSSEC hapily continues signing the
zones etc.

I will try recompiling with debugging symbols when time permits.

HTH & Thanks a lot!
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