回复: Re: [Opendnssec-user]Signature period not precise

刘硕 shuoleo at 126.com
Tue Aug 21 11:23:22 UTC 2012

>The signature inception time is a function of the current time and the
>inception offset. Is your InceptionOffset in the kasp.xml policy 9 hours?

No, the InceptionOffset it 3600S, but the point is the signature inception time is earlier not later than the current time,it the opposite.

I signed a zone at 2012082119140544 or so, but the RRSIG SOA is:
example3.       300     IN      RRSIG   SOA 8 1 300 20120821130544 20120821101435 718 example3. RZsMib3Zx

Once authoritative sever loads the zone data above, it will not get authenticated by recursive sever with +dnssec flag.
The policy I used is as follows:
   <Policy name="lab">
                <Description>Quick turnaround policy for lab work</Description>
                                        <Salt length="8"/>

                        <!-- Parameters for both KSK and ZSK -->

                        <!-- Parameters for KSK only -->
                                <Algorithm length="2048">8</Algorithm>

                        <!-- Parameters for ZSK only -->
                                <Algorithm length="1024">8</Algorithm>
                                <!-- <ManualRollover/> -->




Best regards,
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