[Opendnssec-user] copy error/what can cause this?

Miek Gieben miek at miek.nl
Thu Sep 1 12:34:47 UTC 2011

[ Quoting Rickard Bellgrim at 14:28 on September  1 in "Re: [Opendnssec-user] copy error/wh"... ]
> > Sep  1 13:50:00 signer2 ods-signerd: [file] /bin/cp failed: return value -1
> > Sep  1 13:50:00 signer2 ods-signerd: [tools] unable to copy zone input file nl: General error
> This also happens in our test environment. But only in one of the two
> machines. They are identical, so it is strange that it only happens to
> one of them. It is the system() command which fails, and the only way
> of recovering is to restart ods-signerd.
> We use Ubuntu 10.04.

For the record:

This is a RedHat 5.5 box, ods 1.3.0 with ldns-1.6.10.


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