[Opendnssec-user] Adding a new zone

Rickard Bellgrim rickard.bellgrim at iis.se
Wed Mar 16 08:07:57 UTC 2011

On 15 mar 2011, at 17.18, Carlos M. Martinez wrote:

> - When adding a zone, the auditor complains about not finding an XML
> config file for the zone signing. If I use ods-signer to try to sign the
> zone, I get a message stating that the zone is not yet being signed

Which version are you running?

Alex fixed any issue in r3754 in August last year (which is available from v1.2.0b1 and upwards). The issue was the the auditor tried to load all signconfs, even though it was only supposed to audit a single zone. This would cause a problem if you added a zone and no signconf for this zone had been generated yet. The Auditor then fails if the Signer Engine would like to audit another zone.

// Rickard

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