[Opendnssec-user] SoftHSM and Java
Peter Hudec
peter.hudec at swan.sk
Fri Jun 17 12:26:29 UTC 2011
few months ago Ia saw some discussion about using Java PKCS11 provider with the softhsm.
I have problem to read the keys from the softhsm in java program. Is here someone, who is able to help me.
OS: Linux, Ubuntu Maverick 11.04
softhsm: 1.1.4
I initialized the softhsm as on the page. The cmdline utils are working good, the java not.
See attached configuration file of Java PKCS11 provider and the Java code. I'm not able to find a problem
even in such easy program ;( It returns empty aliases list.
best regards
Peter Hudec
Mgr. Peter Hudec
Divízia stratégie a rozvoja
(Research and Development Department)
Oddelenie vývoja
SWAN a.s.
Borská 6, 841 04 Bratislava 4
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