[Opendnssec-user] Memory usage

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at NLnetLabs.nl
Wed Jun 1 09:12:20 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 05/30/2011 08:42 AM, Miek Gieben wrote:
> [ Quoting Matthijs Mekking at 10:14 on May 26 in "[Opendnssec-user] Memory usage"... ]
>> a) Do you see this as a problem?
>> b) If so, can this problem be solved by buying more memory or do we need
>> to make other trade-offs in order to optimize the memory usage?
> I rather see a lower usage of memory, but a higher usage is of course
> not the end of the world.
>> #NS             unsigned        signed          VIRT MEM        PHYS MEM
>>         1       0.7 Kb          6.0 Kb          219 Mb          5.8 Mb
>>        10       3.0 Kb          14.7 Kb         219 Mb          5.8 Mb
>>       100       25 Kb           101 Kb          283 Mb          6.1 Mb
>>     1.000       227 Kb          464 Kb          283 Mb          7.4 Mb
>>     5.000       1149 Kb         4.5 Mb          285 Mb          21 Mb
>>    10.000       2308 Kb         9.0 Mb          286 Mb          38 Mb
>>    50.000       11.7 Mb         45.6 Mb         363 Mb          170 Mb
>>   100.000       23.4 Mb         91.0 Mb         507 Mb          334 Mb
>>   250.000       59.0 Mb         228.2 Mb        1074 Mb         827 Mb
>>   500.000       118.4 Mb        456.9 Mb        1.9 Gb          1.6 Gb
>> 1.000.000       237.6 Mb        915.2 Mb        3.5 Gb          3.2 Gb
>> 5.000.000       1.2 Gb          4.6 Gb          16.2 Gb         14 Gb
> Thanks for this nice list. In the last row I count that ods needs
> 3.2K per NS (if I got the zeros right), that does seem a lot.

My apologies for the confusing terminology. #NS stands for the number of
delegations. So it's not 3.2K per NS, but per delegation.

The zone is generated with ldns-gen-zone. So the delegation consists of
2 NS records and a NSEC3 record + corresponding RRSIG record. 50% of
them have 1-4 DS records, plus corresponding RRSIG record. The
NSEC3+RRSIG and DS+RRSIG storage already take up roughly 2.2K.

Best regards,


> Upgrading our signer machine to 64 GB RAM is the cheapiest thing to
> do, unless you think you can make some quick fixes.
> Kind regards,
> Miek Gieben
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