[Opendnssec-user] ods-signerd warning instead of failure on occluded data

Billy Glynn billy.glynn at domainregistry.ie
Mon Jan 31 11:42:42 UTC 2011


We're testing OpenDNSSEC signer engine version 1.3.0-trunk

We're receiving occluded data errors for the ie zone as follows:

Jan 31 11:22:20 ods-test ods-signerd: occluded data at
banba.domainregistry.ie. (below domainregistry.ie. NS)
Jan 31 11:22:20 ods-test ods-signerd: occluded data at
gns1.domainregistry.ie. (below domainregistry.ie. NS)
Jan 31 11:22:20 ods-test ods-signerd: occluded data at
gns2.domainregistry.ie. (below domainregistry.ie. NS)
Jan 31 11:22:20 ods-test ods-signerd: occluded data at b.iedr.ie. (below
iedr.ie. NS)
Jan 31 11:22:20 ods-test ods-signerd: update zone ie failed: zone data
contains errors
Jan 31 11:22:20 ods-test ods-signerd: task [update zone ie] failed

Ideally, we would prefer to not have to change the glue in our TLD zone.

Would it be possible to warn about occluded data and continue signing,
instead of failing the process?


Kind regards

Billy Glynn

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