[Opendnssec-user] Issues when building OpenDNSSEC 1.2: Ruby xsd/datatypes not found

Carlos M. Martinez carlos at lacnic.net
Wed Feb 16 13:51:00 UTC 2011

Hello all,

I am probably bringing out a dead horse for another beating, so i'm
sorry in advance :-)

I'm having some trouble building OpenDNSSEC 1.2.0 and it fails at the
configure step with these messages:

> configure: Detecting common OpenDNSSEC settings
> checking for ruby... /home/opendnssec/bin/ruby
> checking for ruby library syslog... ok
> checking for ruby library openssl... ok
> checking for ruby library xsd/datatypes... not found
> configure: error: Ruby library 'xsd/datatypes' not found
> configure: error: ./configure failed for auditor
I built Ruby from source (1.9.2) using all the defaults except for
"--prefix". I'm trying to "configure" OpenDNSSEC with the following
command line:

>  ./configure --prefix=/home/opendnssec --with-sqlite3=/home/opendnssec
> --with-ruby=/home/opendnssec/bin/ruby
OS is CentOS 5.5 x64.

I'm obviously missing some dependency, I just cannot find which one.
I've installed several XML-related items for Ruby but I cannot get past
that point and I don't want to continue polluting my Ruby build.

Warm regards,


Carlos M. Martinez
PGP KeyID 0xD51507A2
Phone: +598-2604-2222 ext. 4419

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