[Opendnssec-user] How to get started with SoftHSM + OpenDNSSEC?

Eivind Olsen eivind at aminor.no
Tue Feb 8 00:23:01 UTC 2011

Den 7. feb. 2011 kl. 11.27 skrev Rickard Bellgrim:
> OpenDNSSEC uses something similar to UUID. 32 random hexcharacters. It is very unlikely that the generated ID exists, but we do check if it exists just to be sure. When I import keys I usually just pick a number e.g. 1000. And then increment this number with one for each key.

Thanks for the answers, they seem to have pointed me in the right direction, as I have now been able to sign my 1st zone that way (a zone which I previously signed with the BIND toolset). I'll do a bit more testing before I put that signed zone live, but so far it looks good. :-)

Eivind Olsen
eivind at aminor.no

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