[Opendnssec-user] ods-signerd unresponsive/crashes

Michael Braunoeder mib at nic.at
Thu Dec 22 09:47:37 UTC 2011

Hi Jerry,

Am 22.12.2011 09:57, schrieb Jerry Lundström:
> Hi Michael,
> On Dec 21, 2011, at 11:01 , Michael Braunoeder wrote:
>>> Can you compile OpenDNSSEC with symbols and allow it to core dump and/or run it using valgrind?
>> Yes, I have a test box where I could do such things.
> It would be very helpful to have a stack trace of this, hope you can get one.

hm, I have a problem to get the core dump. I can reproduce the error now 
but the signerd doesn't write the core dump :(.

I think, the problem is in the backup files. If I restore them from the 
run before the signerd crashed and sign it again, the signer crashes 
again. If I remove them, the signer runs a full sign and everything is fine.


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