[Opendnssec-user] Howto publish an additional DNSKEY-record

Michael Braunoeder mib at nic.at
Thu Dec 1 14:04:33 UTC 2011


I'm currently implementing a DNSSEC-Setup and I need some ideas how to 
fix a specific problem.

Our setup looks like this:
We use Hardware-HSMs to store the keys (KSKs and ZSKs) and to do the 
daily work. The DS-Record(s) for the KSK(s) are added to the parent 
zone. To be prepared in cause of failures of these HSMs, we would like 
to generate a key stored in a SoftHSM. The DNSKEY-Record of this key 
should also be added to the signed zone (only the DNSKEY-Record, no 
signatures with this key should be generated)  and the corresponding 
DS-Record to the parent zone. For security reasons this SoftHSM should 
not be available on the server. In case of emergency, the SoftHSM is 
copied to the server and a key rollover to this key should be done.

How can I realize this setup with OpenDNSSEC? Is it possible to keep 
this key in the "Publish" state until 1.1.2100 (or something like that)?

Thanks in advance and best,

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