[Opendnssec-user] Changing serial number type

Jonathan Stanton Jonathan.Stanton at cit.coop
Wed Sep 22 09:48:20 UTC 2010

On a similar line, but slightly off OpenDNSSEC topic, we currently host a zone file at our hosting centre which is then picked up by a 3rd party DNS hosting partner, who provides our public DNS service.  What is the best way to manage the change of serial number formats in this scenario?  I am thinking that it is to get them to restart their front end DNS servers?


-----Original Message-----
From: opendnssec-user-bounces at lists.opendnssec.org [mailto:opendnssec-user-bounces at lists.opendnssec.org] On Behalf Of Sven-Åke Svensson
Sent: 21 September 2010 15:02
To: opendnssec-user at lists.opendnssec.org
Subject: Re: [Opendnssec-user] Changing serial number type

Ok, I will try this.

Thank you.


2010-09-21 11:41, Robert Martin-Legene skrev:
> Sven-Åke Svensson wrote:
>> Hi
>> On our dns server we currently use the serial number format
>> "yyyymmddnn". But in Opendnssec and also in bind97 it's possibly to
>> use "unixtime". The problem here are that unixtime give me a lower
>> value than the current value of the serial number.
>> Is there somewhere any good documentation that describe how to change.
> RFC1982 describes how to do this. I had some problems with some trunk
> version of OpenDNSSEC regarding this, so I had to delete some tracker/
> files - I believe it was - and then restart opendnssec
> Kind regards,
>    Robert Martin-Legène, .dk

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