[Opendnssec-user] Signer cannot find key

Gilles Massen gilles.massen at restena.lu
Mon Nov 29 14:53:42 UTC 2010


I have a new (empty) install of OpenDNSSEC 1.2.0 rc2. I added policies,
and a zone to a policy, and generated keys. The keys appear in
'ods-ksmutil key list' and in 'ods-hsmutil list'. However, the signer
cannot find them:

ods-signerd: could not find key fc477155ce7eeff5eeb9e67fb47a9492

Apart from this I have no meaningful error - any idea where to look for
more information?

(btw: these errors have not been logged with the facility set in
conf.xml, although messages from the enforcer are - could be a minor


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