[Opendnssec-user] sca6000

Benjamin Zwittnig benjamin.zwittnig at arnes.si
Fri Nov 12 12:31:25 UTC 2010


I am testing sca6000 to use it with opendnssec.  During some tests I have encountered some problems.

- sca6000 would hang after creating 269 keys (I tried to create 500 rsa 2048 keys with pkcs11-tool 
and the card stopped responding after 269 keys)
     - size of keys does not matter (the card stops responding after 269 keys of size 1024 as well)
- key listing (after card reset) with pkcs11-tool or ods-hsmutil gives suspicious result
     - consequent listings of an idle card do not output the same result (every time the list is 
longer for the number of keys on the card)

Attached is a listing of keys done with 'ods-hsmutil list sca6000'.  Keys on the list are not unique!

Does anybody know what else might be wrong?



# /opt/sun/sca6000/bin/scamgr -V
scamgr (Sun Crypto Accelerator 6000) 1.1
# uname -a
Linux Test 2.6.18-194.17.4.el5 #1 SMP Mon Oct 25 15:50:53 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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