[Opendnssec-user] Auditor failing to verify signatures which appear to be ok

Alexd at nominet.org.uk Alexd at nominet.org.uk
Fri Mar 26 11:54:56 UTC 2010

Hi Dave - 

Sorry for the delay in replying.

> ...it is signed just fine, but I get the following from the Auditor
> # bin/ods-auditor --zone in-addr-servers.arpa --signed var/
> opendnssec/tmp/in-addr-servers.arpa.finalized 
> Auditor started
> Auditor starting on in-addr-servers.arpa
> 6: Auditing in-addr-servers.arpa zone : NSEC SIGNED
> 3: RRSet (in-addr-servers.arpa, NSEC) failed verification : 
> Signature failed to cryptographically verify, tag = 12033
> 3: RRSet (A.in-addr-servers.arpa, NSEC) failed verification : 
> Signature failed to cryptographically verify, tag = 12033
> 3: RRSet (B.in-addr-servers.arpa, NSEC) failed verification : 
> Signature failed to cryptographically verify, tag = 12033
> 3: RRSet (C.in-addr-servers.arpa, NSEC) failed verification : 
> Signature failed to cryptographically verify, tag = 12033
> 3: RRSet (D.in-addr-servers.arpa, NSEC) failed verification : 
> Signature failed to cryptographically verify, tag = 12033
> 3: RRSet (E.in-addr-servers.arpa, NSEC) failed verification : 
> Signature failed to cryptographically verify, tag = 12033
> 6: Finished auditing in-addr-servers.arpa zone
> Auditor found errors - check log for details
> So far as I can tell there is nothing actually wrong with the signatures

I think that the NSEC signatures are in fact incorrect (all the other 
signatures are OK). If you look at the next_domain field in the rdata, you 
will see e.g. "C.in-addr-servers.arpa". The signature has been generated 
using this upper-case "C", in contravention of RFC4034 section

 Any DNS names in the RDATA field of each RR MUST be in
               canonical form; and

So, the auditor has checked the signature associated with these records, 
and found them incorrect as per RFC4034.

I'm not sure why the signer has included upper-case characters in the 
signature calculation for the nsec rdata - if it's of any consolation, the 
current trunk does not do this on my machine... I think Matthijs may be 
looking into this.


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