[Opendnssec-user] running the signer without signerd

Miek Gieben miek at miek.nl
Thu Jun 10 12:19:02 UTC 2010

[ Quoting Matthijs Mekking in "Re: [Opendnssec-user] running the s"... ]
> Hi Miek,

Hi Mathijs! :-)

> No. The ods-signer is a client tool that can be used to control the
> ods-signerd, the signer daemon.
> It is possible to manually call the signer tools that are stored in the
> opendnssec/libexec/opendnssec directory. If you grep the syslog on "Run
> command", you can see what individual calls you have to make, in order
> to sign the zonefile manually.
> Best regards,
> Matthijs
> PS: These signer tools will become deprecated from version 1.2 and up

ah! and what will be the replacement? 

Right now I want to leave the key management to OpenDNSSEC and do the
signing with the bind tools (dnssec-signzone).

grtz Miek
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