[Opendnssec-user] list of key states

Pierre Lebrech pierre.lebrech at laposte.net
Tue Jul 6 15:37:54 UTC 2010

I've just looked inside kasp.db for states of keys.

sqlite> .schema Keydata_view
select k.id as id, k.state as state, k.generate as generate, k.publish
as publish,
    k.ready as ready, k.active as active, k.retire as retire, k.dead as dead, 
    d.keytype as keytype, k.algorithm as algorithm, k.HSMkey_id as location,
    d.zone_id as zone_id, k.policy_id as policy_id, 
    k.securitymodule_id as securitymodule_id, k.size as size,
    k.compromisedflag as compromisedflag,
    k.fixedDate as fixedDate
from  keypairs k left outer join dnsseckeys d
on k.id = d.keypair_id;

I can't find states like dssub or dsready. But perhaps I'm looking at
the wrong place.

What are the whole set of key states used by ODS 1.1?
what meaning? in which step?



Pierre Lebrech

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