[Opendnssec-user] Re: Contacts

Rickard Bellgrim rickard.bellgrim at iis.se
Thu Feb 25 10:16:17 UTC 2010

This list. The Trac at <http://trac.opendnssec.org/newticket>. You are
thinking of GOST? OpenDNS signs with ldns so you have to talk with
ldns people first.

The signing is done in the HSM. GOST was not part of PKCS#11, but it is now with version 2.30 of PKCS#11. Then you need an HSM that can talk version 2.30 and use GOST, upgrade OpenDNSSEC to use version 2.30 and implement code points for GOST. I think ldns has support for GOST.

SoftHSM v2 will be upgraded to PKCS#11 2.30 and support GOST. It can use both Botan and OpenSSL, and currently only OpenSSL and not Botan supports GOST.

// Rickard
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