[Opendnssec-user] Duration key mamagament

sion at nominet.org.uk sion at nominet.org.uk
Mon Feb 22 09:28:09 UTC 2010

> But I think there in a problème with the Standby option.
> If I put KSK Stanbby = 5 et ZSK standby = 0, I have 6 KSK and 6 ZSK (1
> Active + 5 publish)
> If I put KSK Stanbby = 0 et ZSK standby = 5, I have 1 KSK and 6 ZSK (1
> Active + 0 publish)
> I think Standby parameter of KSK is keep for ZSK.

Thank you for spotting that. It has been fixed in trunk.


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