[Opendnssec-user] Opendnssec Documentation

Jakob Schlyter jakob at kirei.se
Fri Oct 23 21:05:19 UTC 2009

On 23 okt 2009, at 21.23, B C wrote:

> Since the recent version(s) the user document at.
> http://www.opendnssec.org/documentation/
> seems to be quite out of date.

please use the documentation available starting at http://trac.opendnssec.org/wiki/Signer 
  for now.

> I have no problem(s) with the compile/install but am looking for a  
> document that tells me howto:
> Add a new policy to a blank install.

edit kasp.xml and 'ods-ksmutil update' to import it into the enforcer.

> Add a new zone to a blank install.

ods-ksmutil zone add ...

> Start up the daemons (which ones in which order).

ods-control start

> Make changes to policies.

edit kasp.xml and 'ods-ksmutil update' to update.

> Emergency key rollover.

ods-ksmutil key rollover ...

> Immediate resign.

ods-signer ...

> Is there a new document in the works or at least a readme that  
> covers the above points (and anything else I need ?

an update set of documentation is being work on, but I wouldn't hold  
my breath waiting for it just yet.


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