[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC fails to compile

Rickard Bondesson rickard.bondesson at iis.se
Mon Oct 12 07:34:26 UTC 2009

A quick fix is to go into libhsm dir and do make / make install and  
then do make / make install inte main dir.

The problem is that libhsm got a new function and it seems like make  
is compiling against the installed headers and not those in srcdir.

12 okt 2009 kl. 09.01 skrev "Bjorn Hansson" <hansson at netera.se>:

> Hi!
> Right now I can't compile OpenDNSSEC 1.0.0b2, and the same problem
> applies to trunk (r2197).
> The last lines of make, before it fails, are attached to this mail.
> I'm running gcc-4.3.2-7.x86_64 on a Fedora 10 system. I'll be happy to
> provide anymore information about my system if you need.
> Best regards,
> Björn
> <opendnssec_fail_make.txt>
> <ATT00001..txt>

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