[Opendnssec-user] Fwd: [Opendnssec-announce] OpenDNSSEC 1.0.0b2

Fredrik Pettai pettai at nordu.net
Sun Oct 11 20:52:32 UTC 2009


Just a short comment about available packages for OpenDNSSEC and  

I've committed packages to pkgsrc-wip, so lazy people like myself can  
install opendnssec + it's (currently large number of) dependencies by  
just doing (b)make install once. Currently, I've let the package track  
svn tags instead of fetching tar balls. No checksum checks, but it  
makes it easy to just do a small modification to let the package  
follow trunk instead, if anybody wants to track bleeding edge instead  
of the beta-releases.

So far, I've tested to install wip/opendnssec package on NetBSD 5.x  
and MacOSX Snow Leopard.
That installs fine for me and some others. I haven't had the time to  
test opendnssec thought...

Note that the first versions of the packages (themselves) contained  
some bugs (just like the version of opendnssec it was tracking at that  
time :-)) So if you want to try out the packages, be sure to fetch  
pkgsrc-2009Q3 (or -current) + pkgsrc-wip (checkout HEAD).

More info about pkgsrc, pkgsrc-wip etc. here:


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