[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC Hackathon

Bjorn Hansson hansson at netera.se
Fri Oct 2 11:04:59 UTC 2009


Sounds like you have lots of fun! Thanks for all your nice work.

I been testing opendnssec for a while, and right now I have a problem. 
Please see the attached logfile.

The output file is not created, in the output directory, but is created 
in the tmp directory. It's hard to tell, but the file in the 
tmp-directory seems correct to me.

If I manually copy /var/opendnssec/tmp/cdpris.se.signed to 
/var/named/zones/cdpris.se.signed bind accepts it.

Do you have some ideas what goes wrong here, or can I provide you with 
some more information? I run trunk r2073

Best regards,

> You probably have seen that there have been a lot of commits this week, 
> and that is because we are currently having a hackathon in Gothenburg. 
> We are aiming at releasing the beta real soon (hopefully tomorrow).
> So we would be happy if you could have a look at the changes and give 
> some feedback, bug reports, etc.
> // Rickard
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