[Opendnssec-user] zonefetcher issues

B C brettlists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 12:38:28 UTC 2009

Today is the first day that I've tried to use zonefetcher so it could be
something I am doing wrong :)

I have this in my config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- $Id: zonefetch.xml.in 1920 2009-09-30 07:49:39Z matthijs $ -->

        <!-- where to listen for notifies -->
        <!-- DEFAULT: do not listen to notify on specific address -->

        <!-- default inbound AXFR settings
             (per zone setting not yet implemented) -->
                <!-- TSIG secret for inbound AXFR -->
                <!-- DEFAULT: don't use TSIG -->

http://www.iana.org/assignments/tsig-algorithm-names -->

                        <!-- base64 encoded secret -->


                <!-- address of host to request AXFR from -->
                <!-- incoming NOTIFY has to match this address as well -->
                <!-- DEFAULT: none -->

There is nothing using port53 on this box but when I run ods-start I see the
following in the error log:

Nov  6 12:34:30 test-signer1 ods-signerd: Run command:
'/usr/libexec/opendnssec/zone_fetcher -c /etc/opendnssec/zonefetch.xml -z
/etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml -d -f local0'
Nov  6 12:34:30 OpenDNSSEC signer engine: zone fetcher started
Nov  6 12:34:30 OpenDNSSEC signer engine: zone fetcher AXFR for uk failed
Nov  6 12:34:30 OpenDNSSEC signer engine: zone fetcher can't bind UDP
socket: Address already in use
Nov  6 12:34:30 OpenDNSSEC signer engine: zone fetcher failed to initialize
Nov  6 12:34:30 OpenDNSSEC signer engine: zone fetcher exiting...

After this I do see:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Nov  6 12:34 uk.axfr.29621



If I do a dig @ uk axfr all is fine

Did i miss something or is there a bug here?

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