[Opendnssec-develop] Fwd: Virtualization and HSM support

Yuri Schaeffer yuri at nlnetlabs.nl
Thu Feb 6 10:04:09 UTC 2014

> During the OpenDNSSEC tutorial, I one of the attendants asked me if USB
> or PCI-based HSM worked well with virtualization, for example, to deploy
> an HSM to a host and run a bunch of virtual servers to provide the
> signing service to different "customers".


Well, I always understood the PCI-passthrough is quite mature in for
example XEN. You could even pass the USB controller. In virtualbox it is
trivial to pass USB devices to the guest system.

The up site to this is you can use the normal drivers in your guest OS.
!BUT! It can only passed to 1 guest at a time.

Composed on an actual keyboard: all typos genuine.

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