[Opendnssec-develop] testing dns adapters document

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Wed Oct 31 10:29:49 UTC 2012

Hi Matthijs, 

From looking at this it seems to me the following are rough areas to concentrate on:

1) Would it be best (if possible) to get someone else to do some manual testing of TCP & ACL to try to catch any major issues if this is too time consuming to do in jenkins right now?

2) In terms of jenkins tests then as you said, it seems focussing on IXFR functionality and scalability seems the obvious thing to prioritise. 

3) I wonder if we should also consider setting up a jenkins test with the adapters using BIND and possibly validns on just one platform (since we don't know when we will have the benchmarking hardware). This could use a separate test directory and jenkins test and run once a day. It would give us a baseline and hopefully catch some issues. Given we no longer have the auditor we need to start thinking about other validation mechanisms anyway. I don't think the fact we can't support it easily on all platforms is an argument for not doing it at all?


On 30 Oct 2012, at 13:36, Matthijs Mekking wrote:

> Please review and add missing test cases.
> https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/OpenDNSSEC/Testing+DNS+Adapters
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