[Opendnssec-develop] Fwd: [issues.opendnssec.org] (OPENDNSSEC-342) Case-sensite comparison in auditor

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Fri Oct 26 09:15:44 UTC 2012

On 25 Oct 2012, at 14:37, Siôn Lloyd wrote:

> On 25/10/12 14:27, Sara Dickinson wrote:
>> 2) Is this issue with the auditor a show-stopper? The reporter only marked it as minor since I suppose they are using the patch they developed. In general though, I would argue (as we would have with other fixes) users should upgrade to 1.3 for the fix unless they had a show stopping reason not to.
> Not at all show stopping. I think that the only reason it appears is because they use BIND as the signer. The auditor and the ODS signer are matched in the way they treat NSEC3 records.

So is the upshot we agree this shouldn't be patched to 1.2? (I'll add an item to the agenda of the next team meeting to discuss support of older versions anyway.)

With regard to 1.3.11 it seems we should wait for a fix for OPENDNSSEC-345 as well as 338 before releasing? Jerry are you OK to test all the 1.3.11 issues you reported or do you want anyone else to help out? 


Also is OPENDSNSEC-343 an accidental duplicate of 342 or am I missing something?


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