[Opendnssec-develop] Release OpenDNSSEC 1.4.0a1

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Tue Feb 28 11:22:31 UTC 2012

On 28 feb 2012, at 11:12, Matthijs Mekking <matthijs at nlnetlabs.nl> wrote:

>> * to verify that all jenkins jobs for trunk are happy.
> They were, but test-opendnssec-trunk is now failing. Something to do
> with the test framework changes. Jerry?

No its some tests imported from SIDN/Nick that are failing on some
platforms and its all very strange.

But it should not matter for an alpha release.

There are some "fixes" in the build scripts that needs to be move to
configure for trunk and I would suggest that we dont release 1.4 until
we have plenty of tests that are working on all platforms.


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