[Opendnssec-develop] Re: [Opendnssec-otr] softhsm

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Thu Oct 20 12:14:02 UTC 2011

>>       libbotan-1.8.2.so => not found
>>       libbotan-1.8.13.so => not found

This is probably not the problem, but the library for Botan 1.8.13
should be named libbotan-1.8.2.so. Jack got some complaints that he
change the library name for each release. The (library) version number
should be after the .so suffix. So as of version 1.8.2 he froze the
library name. Version 1.10.X is called libbotan-1.10.so.

He then probably forgot that for this release. Is this what is mixing
up the library linking?

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