[Opendnssec-develop] performance test

Rickard Bellgrim rickard.bellgrim at iis.se
Wed Mar 9 16:17:00 UTC 2011

On 9 mar 2011, at 16.56, Matthijs Mekking wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I thought that the SCA6000 could do 64 operations in parallel. But your
> test shows that increasing the number of drudgers to above 64 still
> improves the performance.
> Am I wrong about the number of concurrent threads on the SCA6000 or is
> providing more drudgers than threads on the HSM peaking the performance?

It can do more, but the performance does not increase so much more.

On 12 jun 2009, at 16.51, Jakob Schlyter wrote:

> 128 threads, 1000 signatures per thread, 13387.46 sig/s (RSA 1024 bits)

// Rickard

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