[Opendnssec-develop] SOA serial arithmetics

Patrik Wallström patrik.wallstrom at iis.se
Wed Jan 19 13:17:50 UTC 2011

On Jan 19, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Patrik Wallström wrote:

> I am currently working with a number of zones that have serial numbers that are larger than 2147483647. See RFC1982 on the arithmetics. (I am using 1.2.0 for these tests.)
> What my experience so far is that the ods-signer does not believe those serials are larger than 0 when using the serial "keep" option. I believe this to be incorrect. And increments after those larger numbers are also supposed to be larger than the previous increment (but I have not checked this yet in ods), regardless of those serials being larger than 2147483647. First, am I correct in assuming this? I believe that this is how BIND handles zone transfers.
> Can somebody please take a look at this?

Btw, this is the error message:
Jan 19 09:08:57 mask ods-signerd: cannot update domain: serial 2460834512 should be larger than domain internal serial 0

Patrik Wallström
Project Manager, R&D
.SE (Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur)
E-mail: patrik.wallstrom at iis.se
Web: http://www.iis.se/

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