[Opendnssec-develop] Re: OpenDNSSEC 1.3.1

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Fri Aug 12 13:53:13 UTC 2011

> * #254: Configure fails on RHEL6 - Need comment from Rick

Fixed and closed

> * #257: Error in ods-signerd - A malformed BIND private key file could
> not be the cause of the problem

Waiting on backup file from user. Is this blocking 1.3.1 release?

> * #258: ods-control not robust in ensuring process running

A report coming now and then. May need to re-think the process
handling. Is this blocking 1.3.1 release?

> * #259: KSM interprets passwords

Fixed and closed

> Should we backport r5364, Alex? (Fix 'ZSK in use too long' message to
> handle new signer behaviour)

Waiting for commit

// Rickard

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